Equine Therapy is often a part of treatment at residential facilities.
It’s been used to help people seeking recovery from compulsive behaviors with food, drugs, substances, and self-harm. This is because horses offer something special and important to those struggling with these painful, difficult, and self-destructive patterns: connection.
Addictions and compulsive thoughts, patterns, and behaviors are the ways in which we get our unmet and unconscious needs met.
When we grow up without the connection we needed (and still need), we find ways to get those needs met, and substances, patterns, and thoughts offer us the relief that we seek from the discomfort of feeling like we’re not good enough, that we’re loved, or that we’re going to be OK.
Horses offer us the chance to learn what our needs are, how to get them met, and what is blocking us.
They meet our needs for presence, acceptance, honesty, and connection. Big, quiet, present, and calming, the horses make space for all the parts of who we are, the broken, shameful, and wounded parts of us.
They allow us to be hurt, angry, and sad. They allow us to cry, thrash, and wallow. They are the presence we crave and give us the connection that heals.
If you’re struggling with addictions, patterns of compulsion with food or self-harm, working with horses may offer you the experience you need to heal, grow, and feel free.
Call me today for a free consultation.