Everyone else seems to be getting somewhere.
Do you find difficult many of the things that seem to come so easily to others, like love, joy, and a sense of belonging, and confidence?
Do the things the world says “make life worth living” seem out of reach? Do you keep doing the same self-destructing? Are you stuck in patterns that make you feel worthless and hopeless?
Do you have trouble relaxing, connecting, or making conversation? Or do anxiety, anger, and judgment keep you from enjoying time with others?
We want connection, but sometimes we just can’t make it work.
You want badly to be better and to get things right.
You want others to be happy around you.
You want everything to be easier.
You get so discouraged when nothing you do seems to work.
There is another way.
The self-help books, exercise, and talk therapy aren’t working for you.
Talking to anyone you think might relate, new jobs, new cities, and new relationships aren’t helping the anxiety, sadness, and dissatisfaction that doesn’t seem to go away.
On edge, unhappy – no one seems to understand…
Horses can help you heal the darkest wounds.
Horses have what feel like special powers. They help us when no one else can.
The secret is connection, body, and breath. When we stop trying to understand our problems or think our way through them, figure them out, we stay stuck, and the feeling of hope disappears.
Feeling our feelings to their full extent while hanging out with the horses and allowing the fullness of our experience to come to the surface, while also feeling and experiencing all the ways we hold ourselves back, we heal. Finally.
Relationships are supposed to be a source of comfort…
… yet they seem to be painful or absent.
Horses heal families and relationships when it feels impossible.
Trauma makes everything hard. Isolation, anger, and anxiety all make it impossible to connect and feel good. The horses offer a completely accepting space when the most difficult parts of your past come to the surface.
They don’t judge. They don’t speak. They’re just there, with you, every step of the way.
Addictions are tough.
They resist the most rational and logical solutions. The shame, frustration, and complete defeat are exhausting.
What’s missing is… you. Who are you? What do you want? What do you need? What are you feeling?
Horses help with all those questions by making you more aware and more present to yourself. When you start to have answers to those questions and when you start to live your life accordingly, using substances doesn’t make sense anymore.
You’re done. You’re free.
You’ve survived your childhood.
Scared, violent, lonely, or violated, you made it to adulthood.
But leaving it all behind seems to be harder than you think. It haunts you, makes relationships hard, keeps you isolated and lonely, makes it hard to feel calm and happy.
Horses understand fear. They know what it’s like to be vigilant, aware of threats, and scared when they’re alone. They offer you what you never had: love, connection, and safe presence. As you start to let love in, they offer even more… stability, consistency, and security.
They are always there. They will never let you down.
When you’ve experienced any or all of these, relationships are painful…
… and hard to figure out.
The horses show up for us in ways that help us see ourselves more clearly and to understand what beliefs, behaviors, and emotions keep us from being able to really and truly connect.
They open us up, allow us to let down our guards, and experience ourselves more fully. They challenge us to be more confident, clear, and compassionate because they need us to be better for them.
Horses teach us that we have what it takes to be our best with others.
To be more fully ourselves.
Where is the love we’re supposed to feel?
Why is it so hard to feel safe, together, and supported?
Why do we make each other mad, push each other away, or shut down?
What is wrong with me that I can’t make this work?
Working with horses can help. They know how to help solve some of the toughest dynamics with their ability to help us be more self-aware, responsible, and connected in ways we never thought possible.
Let me tell you more about equine therapy…
I work with horses to help people heal from some of the toughest struggles we face: painful relationships, trauma, addictions, and family conflict.
I work with people on a deep level. We work with all the dark, painful, and forgotten parts of you that other types of therapy seek to change, understand, or fix. We work with your body, your breath, and the young, wounded parts that show up and end up driving us in ways that make it hard to feel happy, satisfied, and alive.
This is for people who have tried everything and are still sad, angry, lonely, isolated, and anxious. The horses and I are there for people who are ready to give up… or who maybe already have.
The horses and I work with the simplest things…
Namely, the breath and the body.
We start from the ground up – your feelings in the moment – and learn how to make space for all that shows up, the thoughts, emotions, memories, and associations.
We connect with the horses – in a herd, in a stall, with grooming, touch, or an activity – and tune in to them and see what happens as we interact. How you show up with them will give you clues to how you are in your life.
With families, couples, and parents…
We slow down and learn to focus on what’s happening for each person. We create boundaries, we own our experience, and we let others own theirs.
The horses show us what it means to honor and respect the connections in the herd – and in the family. They show us where we need to be more… real, honest, confident, and clear.
Horses are BIG. They make everything BIGGER. When you interact with one horse, or the whole herd, you’ll be more aware of your movements, your breathing, your thoughts and emotions. You really feel what’s going on, because the horses make you more present and more aware of yourself in the moment.
What comes up with the horses in those moments of awareness is what is also coming up for you in your life. How you are with them is how you are with your friends, family, partners, and yourself. The way forward will become clear, as you continue to be more aware of who you really are and how you can be.
This isn’t for the faint of heart.
Healing and changing is an act of deep courage, and working with horses means business. Trusting yourself, your family, or your partner is an act of bravery. Change is always a risk… but one that will always be worth taking.
Whether we work slowly or more intensely, the horses will always show us what needs to be healed. The horses and I will ask you to trust us, trust yourself, and be honest.
That’s all it takes, and the transformation you will experience will change your life. For real.
Are you ready to trust? Give me a call for a free consultation: (303) 909-0974.