No one teaches us how to parent…
Teens can be challenging, especially when they have struggles or behaviors that push our buttons.
They don’t listen, act out, push us away, and make the same mistakes and choices over and over again.
It’s hard! And sometimes nothing we do seems to help.
Connecting and correcting in the right ways…
Without connection, correction can feel harsh, cold, and judgmental to kids. They are less likely to listen and trust you – and get stuck in feeling as though they’ll never be good enough.
On the other hand, connection without correction means that kids don’t feel safe because they don’t know what’s right and what’s expected. They feel confused, reliant, and tentative.
To help teens grow into self-loving and self-regulating adults, they need discipline, boundaries, and unconditional love.
Without them, making it to adulthood can feel like a test they might never pass.
Learning the principles and skills of good parenting…
In parenting therapy sessions, we work with your own parenting past, your ideas about relationship, and your strengths. The horses and I will support you in learning how to be the parent and adult you need to be for your kids.
In coaching sessions, the horses magnify the parenting role as they ask you to lead them. We will take you through a series of activities, such as connecting, leading, and working on the ground.
Leading a horse is a lot like parenting. As you earn the horse’s trust and build relationships, you’ll become more confident. Boundaries, clear communication, compassion, and confidence will help you with the horses; and you’ll be able to practice parenting skills with them in the moment.
Applying new skills and perspectives with the horses…
You will see “bad” behavior as communication, learn how to connect before you correct, have the confidence to hold and communicate boundaries, and hold space while others work through their emotions and experiences. All of these will make you a more confident and compassionate parent.
You will be less angry, less frustrated, more patient and understanding, and, at the same time, get better results and watch your kids grow into more responsible, loving, young people.
Horses are powerful teachers: We learn to be clear, present, and loving.
Be the best parent you can be for your teen!
You have what it takes to be confident, strong, and loving with your teen.
No matter what they throw at you, you can handle it… and horses can help! Whether we work through your parenting past and attachment styles or do activities with the horses that teach you skills in the moment, you will come away with a deeper understanding of what it means to be calm, confident, clear, and compassionate – to be the parent and the adult your teen needs.
Still not sure working with horses will help? Call (303) 909-0974 or email me now with any questions and schedule a 45-minute free consultation at the barn.
Meet the herd and see what they have to offer!